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Semester Programs: Lang

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Lang students may consider opportunities to study abroad for one or more semesters, January term or in summer. All Lang students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0, earned at least 30 credits in their degree program to be eligible to participate in any study abroad program but may apply for study abroad as early as their Freshman year. All students are expected to complete a minimum of 60 credits and a minimum of two years in residence at Lang, including the final two semesters immediately preceding graduation, to receive a degree from Lang. Programs are generally open to all Lang majors, but students should consult with a Study Abroad Advisor to confirm their suitability in a program. Students may reach study abroad advising by contacting:

Exchange Programs

Current exchange programs for Lang students include:  

Parsons Paris Semester


Study Abroad Provider Programs

New School affiliated study abroad program providers include:
To apply for an approved New School affiliated program, submit the GoAbroad application for the program, which you may find by using the GoAbroad search tool or by viewing the complete GoAbroad program listing directory. To apply to a New School affiliated program that does not currently have a GoAbroad application listing, please use the: Study Abroad Provider Programs application to apply. Students should consult with their Study Abroad Advisor to confirm their suitability in a program. 

More Opportunities

Lang students are also encouraged to consider experiential and other unique summer and short-term study abroad programs to supplement their academic pursuits. Students may wish to pursue these opportunities for academic credit or for personal enrichment either in conjunction with or in addition to a semester study course or program.

For more information on any of these programs or to discuss any opportunities further, contact: