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January & Summer Programs


Students often find greater flexibility studying abroad in January or Summer because there are fewer classes, they will not fall behind on major requirements, and they can ofter fulfill Liberal Arts or program electives. This list is not exhaustive, but below are some links to winter and summer programs that students may find interesting and relevant to their studies. 
(For more information on semester study abroad programs, see the Semester Programs Explorer page.)


Winter and Summer Programs


All Programs Directory

Use the search tools below for general searches of all programs:  

Other Short-Term and Summer Program Options

New School students may also explore programs among New School affiliated third-party provider study abroad programs directly. Affiliated third-party program providers include: Most affiliated study abroad provider programs are listed here in GoAbroad and can be found in the options linked above. You may also search for the program by using the GoAbroad search tool or by viewing the complete GoAbroad program listing directory.

To apply for a New School affiliated program that is not currently listed in the GoAbroad directory, please submit the following GoAbroad study abroad application:
NOTE: Students should be aware that any such application proposal for an affiliated third-party provider study abroad programs that is not currently listed in the GoAbroad directory may have additional eligibility and/or approval requirements.

For assistance with applying and exploring program options, contact us at: