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Semester Programs: Lang

Lang horizontal

Lang students may consider opportunities to study abroad for one or more semesters, January term or in summer. All Lang students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0, earned at least 30 credits in their degree program to be eligible to participate in any study abroad program but may apply for study abroad as early as their Freshman year. All students are expected to complete a minimum of 60 credits and a minimum of two years in residence at Lang, including the final two semesters immediately preceding graduation, to receive a degree from Lang. Programs are generally open to all Lang majors, but students should consult with a Study Abroad Advisor to confirm their suitability in a program. Students may reach study abroad advising by contacting:

Programs Defined

Program Providers are organizations that provide students studying in the US with the opportunity to study elsewhere. These programs usually provide housing, insurance, and on-site support throughout the entirety of a student's study abroad experience. All program providers adhere to a rolling admissions policy, so students are always advised to apply for these programs sooner rather than later. Program providers will bill students directly for their program fees. Students will not receive a tuition bill from The New School but will receive a bill for miscellaneous student fees. New School provided scholarships cannot be used to cover program provider fees. As such, New School provided scholarships will be removed for the semester students are abroad and will resume upon their return to campus.

Exchange Programs are international colleges and universities with which the New School holds an exchange agreement. Every semester the exchange partner agrees to accept a certain number of New School students and the New School agrees to accept a certain number of the exchange partner’s students. As such, exchange programs may be more competitive as there are a limited number of spaces we can offer. Exchange programs have a set deadline and no applications are reviewed for nomination until after the deadline passes. Students will pay New School tuition and fees as they normally would and your institutional financial aid will remain the same. Students are responsible for securing and paying for their housing on exchange programs. All students attending exchange programs (with the exception of John Cabot University) will be enrolled in and billed for The New School's travel and emergency insurance plan through Chubb.

Internal Programs are programs owned and operated by The New School. This includes faculty-led programs and Parsons Paris. As these programs are operated by The New School, students will be billed by the New School. If attending Parsons Paris, students will continue to pay their New School tuition as they normally would and there is no change in financial aid. All students attending internal programs will be enrolled in and billed for The New School's travel and emergency insurance plan through Chubb.


Suggested Programs by Major:
This list is not exhaustive, and each student should be sure to work with their academic advisor and/or program director to ensure course compatibility, but here are some programs that may work well for your major:

* University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam, The Netherlands (exchange program)
 Syracuse Abroad - Florence Semester - Florence, Italy (study abroad provider)
 Syracuse Abroad - Exploring Central Europe

Media & Culture
* University of Amsterdam - Amsterdam, The Netherlands (exchange program)
  John Cabot University - Rome, Italy (exchange program)
  King's College London - London, United Kingdom

Political Science
Syracuse University Abroad - Florence Semester - Florence, Italy (study abroad provider)
Syracuse University Abroad - Strasbourg Semester - Strasbourg, France (study abroad provider)



Parsons Paris Semester


Study Abroad Provider Programs

New School affiliated study abroad program providers include:
To apply for an approved New School affiliated program, submit the GoAbroad application for the program, which you may find by using the GoAbroad search tool or by viewing the complete GoAbroad program listing directory. To apply to a New School affiliated program that does not currently have a GoAbroad application listing, please use the: Study Abroad Provider Programs application to apply. Students should consult with their Study Abroad Advisor to confirm their suitability in a program. 


For more information on any of these programs or to discuss any opportunities further, contact: