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Policies and Procedures

big-ben-2393098_150.jpgWhile planning for study abroad, students should be aware of the policies and procedures detailed below.

Applicant Eligibility

Students must meet the requirements below to be eligible for study abroad as part of their degree program at The New School.

Requirement for all New School Students

  • All students must be in good academic standing and maintain academic progress in their program of study at The New School.*
  • All students must follow all requirements of the study abroad application process.
  • All students must apply for study abroad by the application deadline. 
  • Any student in violation of The New School’s Student Code of Conduct may be considered ineligible for study abroad.
  • All students, regardless of college or major, must earn a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. Please note that some TNS departments and/or study abroad programs may have higher minimum GPA requirements to apply. Students whose GPA is under but near the minimum GPA requirement may request an appeal.
  • If applying for a study abroad program that awards external credit, the student must not exceed the maximum allowed transfer credits for their degree.
  • Before studying abroad, students must consult with their academic advisor and department about their eligibility and receive approval of their study abroad program and coursework for their degree.
  • Students must meet all requirements for the study abroad program to which they are applying.
  • Students who have financial or other registration holds on their New School accounts may be considered ineligible for study abroad.
College-Specific Requirements
Additional policies and guidelines for studying abroad may vary by college and by major.

Students in the School of Jazz and Contemporary Music at the College of Performing Arts (CoPA) should also be mindful of their lessons and ensemble requirements while participating in study abroad.


Application Selection in Competitive Programs

Some exchange programs, as well as The New School’s internal programs such as Parsons Paris and faculty-led programs, may be competitive with limited space for participation and enrollment. Preference in the selection of applicants for competitive programs may be given on the basis of academic merit and course compatability, the availability of alternative programs, and student financial need. The New School does not disclose the details of individual selection decisions.

Students are highly encouraged to discuss their goals and options with their advisor when applying to a competitive program. The New School supports all eligible students in applying to their preferred study abroad program(s).



Students who decide to cancel their program after they have committed to a program must notify our office immediately and should consult with their academic advisor to ensure that all details on their student record are corrected.

It is the student's responsibility to contact their study abroad program (provider or exhcange program) if they intend to cancel. In addition, students are solely responsible for cancellation fees or other costs incurred. The New School does not reimburse students for payments made toward external study abroad programs in the event of cancellation. If you have committed to a study abroad program you are responsible for notifying your study abroad program that you will not be attending. 


Course Credits and Grades

For study abroad coursework completed in Parsons Paris, faculty-led programs, and other New School study abroad programs, students are awarded academic credit from The New School and are subject to the university’s grading policies.

For coursework where students receive external credit from their study abroad program, the external credit will transfer in accordance with The New School’s transfer credit procedures. Students must earn a grade equivalent to a New School grade of C or higher in the study abroad coursework for the external credit to be eligible for transfer. Study abroad course titles and corresponding New School subject codes will appear on the student’s New School transcript, but grades will not factor into the student’s New School GPA.

Course Registration

Students must complete the appropriate course registration procedures when studying abroad.

If receiving study abroad course credit from The New School:

Register for coursework with The New School course code for your study abroad program provided to you by your advisor.
Students studying abroad at Parsons Paris will receive instructions for registering for classes at the Parsons Paris campus.
If receiving external credit from your study abroad program:
  1. Register for “Mobility Course Credits” with the mobility course code provided to you by your advisor. The number of mobility course credits on your course registration should equal the number of external credits you expect to earn from your study abroad program.
  2. Follow your program’s registration instructions to register for your coursework abroad.
  3. Complete The New School’s External Credit Approval Form to inform The New School of the courses you registered for. Please ensure that you have met with your Academic Advisor prior to completing this form. This should ALWAYS be completed in consultation with your Academic Advisor and ONLY AFTER you have committed to a Study Abroad Program and have been advised to proceed with mobility credit registration.
Credits earned for study abroad coursework taken during the winter break between fall and spring semester will appear on your record for the spring semester.

Payments to Study Abroad Programs

The New School does not make payments to study abroad programs on any student’s behalf. Students are responsible for:

Making all payments directly to their program, and
Handling all payment transactions required by the program
Students may use any Federal Aid or Private Loan monies to pay for program fees such as housing and tuition. Students will receive Federal Aid and/or Private Loan monies via a refund from The New School and are required to sign up for electronic refunds through the Office of Financial Aid in order to receive their Federal and Private Loan monies.

For more information on financial aid and paying for study abroad, see the Funding and Scholarships page or contact

Program Extension

To extend their participation in a study abroad program, students should notify the study abroad advisor as early as possible to apply for an extension. Applications must be submitted prior to the initial program end date and the extension must be approved in accordance with The New School’s academic and study abroad policies. If a student is approved by The New School to extend their study abroad program, the final extension acceptance decision is at the discretion of the study abroad program provider.

Students who wish to extend their study abroad experience by joining a different program or extending their current program must re-apply for study abroad and submit a complete application by The New School’s deadline.

Transfer Credits and Study Abroad Transcripts

The New School is unable to accept transfer credits from study abroad programs that are not accredited. If a student is studying abroad at a program outside of The New School’s approved exchange programs or internal programs, this may require additional approval or verification of accreditation.

Students studying abroad at a New School-approved exchange program will receive official transcripts from the partner institution at no cost.

Courses taken at other institutions while a student is enrolled at The New School will only be considered if all official transcripts are received and all transfer credit evaluations (TCEs) are completed by the end of the subsequent semester. (Note: Transcripts from study abroad in spring should be submitted by the end of the summer semester.)

Final Semester
For students who receive special permission to complete their final semester/final requirements at another institution or to study abroad in their final semester, the official transcript and the approved transfer credit evaluation (TCE) must be completed and submitted to the Registrar’s Office before the degree conferral date. All transfer credit evaluations received after the degree conferral date will delay the awarding of the degree to the next degree conferral date.

Please see more information regarding The New School’s transfer credit procedures on the Registrar’s website.

Study Abroad Versus "Taking Courses Elsewhere"

Not all international academic activities qualify as study abroad. Students who seek academic credit for coursework completed outside The New School without being approved for study abroad are considered to be “taking courses elsewhere.” Students who apply for a program that is NOT on our website and NOT provided through a New School Affiliate Program Provider, are considered to be "taking courses elsewhere."  In such cases, students may not be eligible for financial aid or institutional support from The New School. If the courses taken elsewhere occur during a required semester in the student’s program of study at The New School, the student may be required to take a leave of absence.

To receive academic credit for courses taken elsewhere, students are required to complete the External Credit Approval Form at The New School upon registering for coursework at another institution and are subject to all transfer credit policies and procedures. Students should consult with their academic advisor before beginning this process. The Study Abroad office is not able to assist students with this process.

International students with F or J visa status are also advised to consult with International Student and Scholar Services for any travel concerns as well as the status implications of taking a leave of absence.